Friday, May 11, 2012

How to Get Kids to Sleep

Here's the easy way: provide enough activity, then refreshments, and a cozy place to lie down. I could join Baby anytime there! In this particular photo, the setup was a bit more luxurious than usual... 4 star resort on the beach, with an infinity pool there in the background ;) Usually, fun in the sun will be a sure nap-inducer, just remember to cover up or stay away from the hottest rays and stay hydrated.

Another interesting nap-inducing method is to jump in the angreng (hammock), which are incredibly popular here in Cambodia. Go anywhere out of town and in any scenic spot you'll find tens or even hundreds of hammocks, shaded by thatch roof huts, ready to be rented. 

Or then you can try the traditional, kids-are-looking-super-sleepy-this-will-be-easy-so-let's-minimize-the-effort-and-let-them-sleep-in-my-bed routine. Not necessarily recommended as it's not a sure way for  the Sandman to sprinkle sleeping sand, trust me on this. Recently I've been proud of having mastered this method to the extent that I've had both boys asleep BY 7:30 pm, on many nights even in a row! But. Today. It was only 5 pm and both kids looked beaten, they were so tired. Both had (very unfortunately) woken up at 6 am this morning, one was feverish, and the other just tired and maybe getting a cold himself. Anyway, I thought, what better than ignore the fact that it's still in fact afternoon and light outside and put the boys to bed now, sooner rather than later. So we did all the routines and all climbed in the master bed, all nice and pajamad-up. We did storytelling, singing lullabies with my hoarse/non-existent voice. We did #2 night snack. #3 night snack. Breastfeeding countless times. We watched a bit of American Idol because yours truly was getting a bit desperate by 7 pm with no sleepy boys no longer in sight. Bad idea since JLo's 'Dance' performance got Big Boy so excited he too started dancing his socks off! The most hilarious sight! He was actually pretty good, getting me to think he's got an eye for picking up choreography - maybe time to sign him up for dance classes just like his best buddy (a boy as well). Anyway, finally the boys fell asleep at 8:30 pm. At the same time, which was impressive but also a bit strange. What got them to finally fall asleep? A random big boy-selected Chinese pop concert! With subtitles in Chinese for home karaoke ops for those of us character literate (none of us though I can pick out a word here, word there). I have to admit it was nice and soothing! Should find out who this Chinese Idol was...

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