Friday, October 19, 2012

Things That Make Me Go Aaargh!

Public complaint over breastfeeding in public, especially after the fact. Oh come on, when did breast milk become equated with other bodily fluids/solids? Why would babies, who are completely dependent on others for their survival, not be allowed to feed in the same surroundings as other human beings, ie. kitchen, living room, restaurant, or cafe? A baby care room, or bedroom, why not. But a toilet, especially a public one, is as disgusting in thought as in practice. I can't believe Finns are so estranged from (human) nature that breastfeeding, namely the location for, is under debate. A couple of days ago, a group of moms in Helsinki organized a flash mob of breastfeeding at the central railway station. Not an event I would necessarily join since I have no interest in public feeding per se, but reading people's online comments about the event made me, well, angry. I can understand, and agree, with people's wish to avoid bare boobs everywhere but when it comes to the most fundamental need of a baby... let's just put it this way that fundamental needs for survival come before societal preferences. Especially here in the developing world, you cannot expect - or ever want to suggest - that mothers would go feed their babies in public toilets or 'out of public view' (what is that anyway, a dark alley!?). First of all, encouraging poor mothers to breastfeed is crucially important. It saves lives! Breast milk is always clean. It is always properly 'mixed' ie. it's not dangerously diluted with filthy water. It's (usually) always available. For free. It saves money and it saves lives. Now, as great as breastfeeding is, public toilets (or any sort of toilets) are not the place to take a baby here (nor elsewhere). First of all, it's usually horribly hot so the liquid you're providing your baby with is only enough to balance out with the amount the baby's losing in sweat while feeding. Secondly, toilets are filthy, especially here in the tropics. Thirdly, there aren't many public toilets around in the first place. Fourth, dark wet spaces attract disease carrying mosquitos, including ones that spread potentially lethal malaria and dengue. Aargh!! To answer your possible question, yes, I've breastfed in nasty toilets here and elsewhere. And each time I come out feeling the greater fool for succumbing to social pressure (usually of my imagination, only). It is such a fundamental issue. Babies first!

1 comment:

  1. Agree! Who on earth would be bothered? I simply breastfed anywhere, plus there are cloths and special shoulder bags you can buy to conceal everything if one has any inhibitions. Your arguments about the tropics are so important. Unbelievable to even think anything negative of public feeding, it's just so natural and anything contrary quite a burden for moms, who have enough burdens with a small baby or child. Those who are so vocal against it should be banned to read their morning newspaper in a public toilet, they'll realize how pleasant a place it is!
