Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Results of Tom Hanks Experience

As I promised, I went out and bought "Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close" on DVD yesterday. Since I couldn't wait to get started with it and even evenings don't guarantee uninterrupted movie experiences, I started watching while Baby was napping. I finished watching by today's second naptime. Here are the results.

I very much recommend it! It is a beautiful movie with excellent performances, notably by the little boy (who's name I don't recall, sorry). The film does manage to do justice to the incredibly (loud and close) incredible novel. I still recommend the novel, of course, as often anyway happens when you've read the book first and only then seen the movie. But this novel is so different in form, and so heart breaking as a story.

Tom Hanks? He was great but I wouldn't say he was perfect. I'd say he was near perfect. He definitely had an amazing vibe, really gave the impression of being a wonderful, committed father. However, I had not pictured anyone at all resembling Tom Hanks in any way when reading the novel. I haven't thought of who'd I'd have cast instead... Someone tall, dark, more aloof, but as wonderfully committed. Someone more Ben Affleck-y. Not that it matters, really.

I found Sandra Bullock amazing. She had Oscar potential again. Also the transformation of her collapsing mother into caring and present one was believable and very touching.

I'd forgotten what the key unlocks! That was a bonus to seeing the film.

All in all, one of the stories of the century, I think. Read it and see it!! 

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