Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Sunset Photography

As you know I'm quite into photography. I apply my general attitude to life to this hobby as well. I find it enjoyable, challenging, and exciting, and I'd happily master it. I'm ready to put work into it but with this one (photography, that is) I'm not going to stress about the details. Sure, I'll read the manual to my new camera when I get to it. But no, I'm not going to get excited enough to want to know minute technical details. I like to 'shoot and run,' test my chances. If it turns out nice, great. If it's not so great, I'll press the other button next time. ;)

Here's a shot of the September sunset at Nambucca Heads, Australia. I personally really like this shot. I got a bit upset with my hubby over this photo, though, as his first comment was 'why did you take a photo of that couple, we don't even know them!' Arrrrrgh! To any aspiring amateur photographer like myself, it's obvious why - for the photo op, for the feel of it, for the ART!! I kind of like how the sun bazookas through the guys head... Something about this photo that's unearthly. Maybe my husband shared that feeling and worries I may have caught a glimpse of aliens...

Here my hubby, who by the way also enjoys photography as in taking photos himself, commented that I should have used the sunset mode on our new Lumix (fabulous camera, btw!!!). Another arggh moment. I should absolutely NOT have used the sunset mode, I say. If I'd follow the manual and proper photography instructions, I would by all means use the sunset mode. But it shows me the sun, too clearly. There's no ethereal light seeping into each pixel. Frankly boring! I love the feeling I caught in this shot.

And I would even go as far as not pressing 'Sunset' on this shot as well. The sun rules!

What do you think?

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