A part of me wishes I could vote in the upcoming US presidential elections. Simply because I have made my choice over candidates and currently follow the presidential as well as vice presidential debates with (moderate) interest. Another congruent argument for my vote is that US presidential elections impact the world. Shouldn't we all be heard about what we have to say about the potential leader of the world's superpower? As a member of the human race I have something to say about what happens in my backyard, let's just put it that way.
There is truth, and a point, in confessing that I followed my own nation's presidential race with the same amount of interest. Not fervent, not even diligent. Being an anthropologist, participant observation would probably be the best fitting term. I observe (as opposed to e.g., lobbying) and I participated (cast my vote into Finland). Looking back at how the last elections went in Finland, I missed out on quite a bit by not being in the country at the time. There was nearly unprecedented public activism that the second runner-up stirred during the last days before the voting. I'm sure the hype affected the votes of quite a few, in favor of the guy who, despite that, didn't win. Anyway, the world will seem different if the next years are Obama years or Romney ones. Even though I can't vote for one or the other, this time I'd like to be a bit prepared. I want to know at least the basic facts about these candidates, and read a bit about their personal stories. Who are they?
I felt proud when Finland elected Tarja Halonen, a woman, as president in 2000. I felt elated when I watched Obama's inauguration ceremony in 2009. It was a Tuesday, January 20. (I just checked!) I remember sitting on our old blue couch with my first born son, only 2.5 weeks old, in my arms and thinking he has been born into a special time in world history. The first black president had just been chosen to lead the United States.
So with a touch of personal history at play I look at these US elections with some emotion. I don't have a sense of who Mitt Romney is yet. And Obama and I go a long(er) way ;) And now that I hear he, Obama, is on his way to visit my city of current residence (Phnom Penh) next month (!!), I'm pretty excited for team Obama. I then noticed with self-cycling interest that I take criticism against the man a tad personally! Whoever's going to blame the President better have their facts straight, is all I'm saying.
Until I realized it's not my vote. If the American people want to elect the reincarnation of Walt Disney, it's their fundamental right to do so. How would I feel and react if my, say, Chinese friends told me that my favorite Finnish presidential candidate was a joke? Probably with a "it's none of your business" reply. So follow elections with interest - yes. Get all wound up in emotional debate with American friends - no. To back my decision, I did not comment on a friend's strange anti-Biden Facebook comment. Though I'm still tempted to...!
Anyway, the actual difference between the real-time presidential decision-making may not end up being so huge between Mitt and Barack, a source of mine says. Romney's not Bush after all. And my focus is mainly on foreign policy, anyway. My Republican friends may have a reason to be fed up with Obama's national issues, I honestly don't know.
Should I know? I don't even know that. But what I do know is that none of us, not one of us on Earth, should downplay our power to influence. Caught in the middle of the day-to-day grind, it's so easy to focus so closely on what is immediately in front of us that we don't look up and see the larger picture. Sometimes all it takes is a glance at the horizon, a short daydream, or the decision to go ahead and try.
It doesn't have to be party membership or even a visible public role. But human interaction always involves a degree of power and influence, over our children, towards our friends, our neighbors... The key, I think, is to think about how we do that. What do we want to pass on to our kids on the daily scale, what is the legacy we want to leave on the "horizon" scale?