Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Calling It a Day

Thought I should report back as soon as possible and not let those interests fade while the sparks are flying. Not feeling that creative anymore at this hour - it's nearly 10 pm and my-oh-my that's late for parents of wee ones ;)

So, down to business.

First things first. I honestly did change that diaper in the end. A several more later. Done. Check.

Anthropology of mothering. Yes, did google it. Rediscovered an interesting anthro-blog, Savage Minds, but will have to go to that later. I did quickly read a first article on the subject at hand and as I had imagined there are reports of very different parenting models out there. In some cultures, and here please allow me a LOT of leash as no references follow, women who 'produce' the child actually hand over the baby to the/a man who will then raise the child. Actually this leads me to something a bit less fuzzy sounding. An interesting example of parenting solutions is a Chinese one that I too have seen - grandparents raising their grandchildren. It's actually a common solution and socially accepted. Adults who have themselves been raised by their grandparents place their own (one!) child in the care of their parents while they work, and work hard. Often parents live very far from their children, even or especially abroad. It's not like parents hand over kids to grannies next door so they have more time for themselves. Usually there's a financial 'sacrifice' involved, working for the greater good or at least for the benefit of one's (extended) family. Interesting stuff!!

Hm, next task. Photography. I did manage to snap some photos, I did indeed. Unfortunately I still didn't fulfill the task given by my Facebook-based photo course... I did get the 'shoot profiles' bit right but not the 'with a nice and suitable background.' Same ol' mumbo jumbo in the background: odd sofa angles, toys in disarray, nose of dog, etc.

Still did not open baby massage book while holding baby BUT realized I have been massaging my baby boys already! That's how the older fell asleep... mommy gently rubbing his feet. He actually gave me directions for what kind of pressure and movement he wanted! See, I need no manual!

Church group. Yes, I did mention/advertise it to two people, one of whom is already said she'll attend. Hm... must amp this up.

The nakkikastike (in Khmer it might be 'samlaw hotdog,' btw) turned out pretty good today. Got some good feedback. Went down like hot lightning.

The Economist still needs convincing.

And the hubby reminded me I already had an idea for that luxury thingy. I had already requested an iPad as compensation on the night the now (in-)famous trip was booked. It's still a good idea but I still need some more 'feminine' pampering besides new technology. I want... a massage at a spa. A trip to the chocolatier. And something else. So still open to ideas for the last bit!

As for crime psychiatry, which I apparently couldn't even spell..., I did watch a short interview of the same dude.

Progress. It's sweet.

Over and out.


  1. More on the anthropoligical parenting models, please. Fascinating issues there.
    Plus crime psychiatry - you need to get started here as I am extremely intrigued!

  2. Yeah, I have stirred interest! I have to admit though that these topics are a strange combination of interests!!
