Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Preventing Personal Brain Drain

So, inspired by my dearest friend K I have started a blog. Again. Why? Because pretty much everything my friend does I find interesting and inspiring... and worth repeating ;) And because I enjoyed maintaining a blog and would still enjoy doing so. However it's time to start anew, turn over a fresh sheet of digital 'paper,' and start a new blog. My old one simply outgrew the concept and my current needs/desires/plans have changed somewhat. The oldie focused on my work, family, and way of life in a very public way, i.e. the fact that this blog existed was advertised to some degree. However, I am now a full-time mom of two meaning I don't currently work and my adventures are on the limited side. What to report in such a public way, to a previously job-centered audience? That today I changed 8 diapers instead of the usual 10? That the playground wasn't as hot today at 9 am as it usually is at this time of the year? That the dog ate the note a friend had sent over? After my son had torn it to shreds..? You get the point. It's interesting stuff, I assure you, but only to certain degree. And to a certain audience.

So the new concept? The idea - as driven from friend-founded inspiration - is to keep myself writing. And thinking. About other things besides nappy rash prevention, as important as that is. To write since I think and therefore I am. Since to be honest suburban life could get a bit monotonous and I do not aspire to become one of those desperate housewifes. Instead, my dream is to be a grounded but creative and encouraging mom. An intellectually alive wife. An up-to-date anthropologist. A Christian with a vibrant soul. And a responsive friend.

So here's the first one to you my dear friend K!

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